I hate to consider long term effects of this drug. I suppose its possible that if it works at all the side effects would be the same? These medications may cause some risk when taken together. The Apoquel was started end of May. This is also holistic and works by making the yeast exit the body through the hair follicles. My 11 Yorkie mix has had allergiesitchy feet mostly but all over at times, that we have tolerated as holisticly as possible his whole lifewith the occasional Benadryl. Your vet will work to determine the appropriate dosage according to a few factors. All in all, very mild side effects as opposed to other anti-pruritic medication. Her side effects seem to be aggression toward new dogs she meets and coughing. These past 6 months have been H-ll with our beloved pets on these dangerous medications. Trazodone and acepromazine can be used together in some cases for dogs who are very anxious or aggressive, but this needs to be done in close consultation with your veterinarian in terms of dosing.If your dog requires strict crate rest, ask your veterinarian to prescribe trazodone. There is a NEW drug on the market to control itching in dogs from allergies, called Apoquel. Oh! Required fields are marked *. Its the reason I looked this up and I am glad to know others have experienced this as well. Wow so glad there are others who experienced hell with this drug. It will cost me $1200.00 so far I dont have to spare but he will be O.K. We lost a dog years ago due to poison pet food.. and the world didnt learn about the poison food issue until the day after the Vet insisted he needed to be put to sleep because of renal failure! Go ahead with apoquel. After an examination, they may deem it appropriate to prescribe an antihistamine as part of the treatment plan. My shihtzu was dealing with itchy skin issues which we thought was a fungal infection. of $0.40, Increased 13% and 11%, respectively Stopped drinkingeatingswollen abdomen (Ascites)low albumin is to blame for swelling.proteinuriadiagnosis of Protein Losing Nephropathy. I wasnt told about these side affects nor given a handout. After a month we ran out and in two days the itching was back. Unlike Zoetis, when you make your claims about your supplement you dont show ANY study results or statistics. She also has a running nose at times and when she is laying down and resting she sounds like she is congested. Its been about 21 hours since he had a pill, so Im hoping that by tomorrow morning, its out of his system. You wont see an instant response, but you may see some marked decrease in allergic signs after using probiotics for 4 weeks. if taken off at all for one day she would lose all her hair in clumps and have sores all over where she licked or bit or scratched. I just think until you have an allergic dog, you are unaware how wide spread of a problem it is. Heres a handy chart to help you figure out the right dosage for your pup: Mutasim is an author and software engineer from the United States, I and a group of experts made this blog with the aim of answering all the unanswered questions to help as many people as possible. For example, it can counteract the effects of warfarin. Apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections, and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre-existing . Vet said it was not the Apoquil. The hot topic in the world of dermatology right now is Apoquel.Apoquel is an exciting new medication for the treatment of allergic itching in dogs. The sedative properties are beneficial in these instances. no more for Her, and a new vet , too !! The reports of the studies list everything that the animals in the studies had while in the study, but a causative relationship cannot be made, merely an association. The one that was having panic attacks, lost weight, had quickly growing malignant growths and bizarre behavior has returned to normal other then weight, even though his appetite is back. He is asking to go out to pee a lot more than he used to and now has developed a smell similar to mild cat pee (no cats in our home). Has been on short term antibiotics and steroids for secondary skin infections. DrugBank Accession Number. This same dog slowly developed behavioral problems (panic attacks) hyper ventilating, shaking, lost weight, unusual bowel movements. He takes 16 mg. daily and the scratching has almost stopped. We have 4 dogs, 2 cats and birds so we have used many drugs. My vet put him on apoquel a 5.4 mg dose split in half twice a day. As I write this I just want everyone to know.the drug may stop the itching as it did with my dog, but it allows the immune system to weaken and your dog wont be able to fight off the most basic thing: fungus. I have a 90 pound mixed male Shar pei who has been on Apoquel 3 years now. our 17 year old cairn terrier has been on Apoquel for 4 mos. Gave this med to my 9 year old Rat Terrier.. now she is dead. He was on it for about 5 months and then he began having stomach trouble. Keep fighting the good fight! I saw your interview, where you complained people werent being told about the side effects of medications. As another poster mentioned she was panting, in pain and suffering. The next morning at 5AM the same thing happened. She was only on med for 2 weeks, had a stroke and stopped breathing on the way to try and get her help. But it continued, the swelling, around the legs, his body was swollen, around his eyes. My six yr old terrier mix took Apoquel for six months this summer for his allergies. Please let me know what I can do to help get this drug off the market. My dog has the latter. I brought her home and gave her 1 dose of 16 mg around 4PM. I blame this drug. I called the vet and was informed to Keep her on the Apoquel and give her boiled rice and chicken for her vomiting. I gave her the boiled rice and chicken but I immediately took her off of the Apoquel and her vomiting stopped. Does Apoquel interact with any medications? Vet took her and watched her for a day and said blood work came back fine. She had so many episodes of licking to the point of sores and repeating antibodies and steroids. Kind of mad at my vet that they were so casual about giving it to her again. On Sunday Nov 19th, we drove to our Thanksgiving destination. There are a few things youll want to know before giving this to your dog. Fuck this drug. He is now getting allergy shots and well see how it goes. My border collie always gets itchy in spring & summer. Peatie had made a few accidents on the floor we just attributed to senility and a new home. My dog was only on it 2 months. He keep vomiting and now cant Where do you find these complaints on the site? We were dealing with our older Chocolate Lab on Nov 7 who we had to put down, so I forgot to keep an eye on my Ginny. Hamish is very threadbare and I have been loathed to clip him. However, after about 2 months on the medicine he started urinating in the house. We have a coon hound with skin allergies. The comment section sure sounds familiar. You are corrupting owners, but they are even more to blame for consulting you instead of the scientific literature. She then proceeded to tell me that in the past week she had two dogs pass, that she suspects were from this drug. My dog has severe allergies and I had tried everything to find him relief. I have tried many things and 3 Vets, also already two operations. To help determine if a pet is receiving an appropriate dose of a medication, veterinarians may monitor the amount present in the bloodstream, a procedure that is called therapeutic drug monitoring. After one week on BID dosing he had a 5min seizure, I just chalked it up to stress. In one long term study published by Apoquel's manufacturer Zoetis, they studied 247 dogs over the course of two years. We are going in this evening to put him to sleep. We finally gave in and she has been on it for awhile now, and she does appear a bit lethargic, goes out to pee more, and she does drink a bit more water at one time. I was suspect of this drug before I read the study. Dr Jones. A. lethargic, depressed, doesnt want to drink out of water bowl (to scary), peeing in the house, cant see, everything is scary because of vision issues, and I suppose the greeting people is a result of just not seeing who or what it is! Within a day he had lost his appetite and was less playful than usual. My guy was put on apoquel for his allergies. the only side effects i have noticed is she is happy again. FDA approval of APOQUEL is based on results of two clinical trials conducted in the I can help but believe the apaquel is. He has lost 1 1/2 lbs. We adopted a cocker spaniel mix June 2015. Then he began acting weird one day starting with having diarrhea then he started panting, drooling, pacing, sitting on my chest I knew something was wrong and went to the animal emergency room. Took her to my vet who did all of the blood work etc. My old boy Hamish is worse. In December 2017 we again returned to the veterinary center for evaluation and suggestions regarding these growths which continued to increase in number. Poor little guy. However, he also developed skin growths right around that time and they will not go away. Fingers crossed she wont have any lasting problems from this drug. If one person can try this and it helps your dog, I would be so happy for you and your dog. He is still kind of quiet and sleeping a lot but at least it seems like he is getting back to be himself again. to determine what has happened. In April he received Lyme vaccine and shortly thereafter developed skin infection requiring steroids. We finally got to take his cone off and start to enjoy walks again fully and his paws turned back to their original colorwhite! I will never place another animal on a medication like this again. So, its impossible to recommend across the board dosages that will produce good results. Im heartbroken that I didnt do my due diligence on this medication. Beware aspergillosis infections due to Apoquel Everyone! Thats right, turns them right off, which is great if all you care about is preventing the itchiness but not so great if you want a healthy dog. His spleen burst And blood was leaking into his abdomen they took blood and x-rays and found out that he had also cancer in his lungs, from the medication I would never put any dog on this medication ever and called the company and they still still will not say that the medication causes that issue even though he was healthy happy and the best dog and we had to put him to sleep at 4 1/2 years old due to him taking Apoquel. In addition to Allergies Atopy, and Apoquel is the culprit. Never again will I use that drug. This past year he was expieriencing anal gland infections almost every weekwe were constantly going to the vet for reliefhe was iching his butt, gland would fill up quickly, he was always uncomfortable and couldnt sit still due to the discomfort kept us up all night most nights. They say it can take a month per year of your pets life to work. We went to the vet because she was quite lethargic. Please do not give your dog this medicine I know it makes him stop itching but the outcome is not worth it putting him to sleep, its like putting your child asleep. They may even prescribe another type of antihistamine for your dog. Shes been fine since I took her off of it. Every dog that suffers from allergies may respond . Can Apoquel be used with other medications? I am so glad I did and came across these suggestions. My 11 year old peekapoo has been on Apaquel for two weeks.she doesnt have any itching but now she is having resulting issues and has trouble breathing. Early Tuesday Nov 21 my husband woke me up to tell me that Ginny had let put a help and was very weak and could not stand up on her own. Is it okay to take her off immediately, or do I need to wean her gradually? Our vet would not suggest this drug without it being needed and monitoring via at least 2 times a year. With these tablets he not my normal fur baby. After the allergy tests I gave him Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Fish, which he doesnt eat much so I add other things to it. Im going to bed. esophagus to close keeping it enlarged (side effect). (I Hope). I cannot believe his Dr. gave a medicine that might cause gastro-intestinal problems and suppress the immune system to a puppy that has a weaken immune system from mange and had recent stool and vomiting issues. We did try a restricted diet and the diet didnt affect his scratching. I am taking him off of apoquell immediately. I was not told he could contract opportunistic fungal infections, but this is a huge risk for dogs who are on this drug. Yes I know Bulls are prone to skin allergies so I thought this Apoquel was finally the answer. My dog is a 2 and 1/2 year old yorkies. I knew all the side effects and finally was relieved to try the apoquel against my better judgement. Over the last six years he has been on Benadryl, Prednisone and other anti-fungal drugs. Then I searched it on the net & see all this stuff. Leading up to this his allergies had been playing up again and he had a cytopoint injection and steroid. I do not recommend this medication. Ive had my terrier mix dog on Apoquel for a year and a half. I am so pleased to have Apoquel that keeps him happy and well. has been reportedly causing so many major side effects??? Do not use in breeding, pregnant, or nursing dogs. This may be a consideration for our vet in choosing this drug. it may even exacerbate cancer, Diarrhea, vomiting, (both w/ It is not a steroid or antihistamine so it is safe to administer in conjunction with an antihistamine that is used appropriately. The only thing the bw showed was that his body was basically starving. blood present), urinary tract infections, aggressive behavior, I took him to my vet and he put him on Doxycycline. Luckily the infection resolved without injury to her eyelid or sight. Gabapentin is a medication that veterinarians are prescribing with increasing frequency, sometimes alone but more commonly in combination with other medications, for the management of pain in dogs. Still itching and the straw that broke the camels back was seizures. Zyrtec, Claritin, and Benadryl are just some of the meds that both humans and dogs can take safely. This saved his life. Benadryl is commonly used to treat itchiness in dogs caused by skin allergies, and it also reduces many of the other symptoms of allergies, including: Hives. Took him to the vet again for a full blood workup which the vet tells me was fine. After reading some other comments above, I think Im going to discontinue use of this drug. Bull and Black Mouth Curr Mix. She now has glomerulonephritis, a form of kidney disease with a poor prognosis. When we get to 12 months the doctor may reduce her meds. Tried Benadryl which worked some, but she would get flares. APOQUEL seems to be a wonder drug. The vet prescribed it and at first her allergies were better. If these sort of dermatologic/parasitic overgrowths occurred in humans from treatment with JK inhibitors, it would certainly prompt the FDA to take action to protect the patient population utilizing these medications from these severe adverse events In a study, dogs were treated with Apoquel for more than 2 years. Thank you Dr. and for the shared testemoniesI assumed their were possible side effects but I think every dog reacts differently. In fact, antihistamines are quite often used to treat skin allergies in dogs. Full Year 2015 Guidance Updated to Revenue of $4.8 $4.9 Billion and Adjusted Diluted EPS1 of $1.61 $1.68 This is not like him.So I am going to quit giving him this med. On nights 22, 23,25 she had huge seizures, the first waking me with loud howling and all ending with her peeing. We were introduced to Apoquel because our Red Long Haired Doxie was having allergies that were causing her to hack and cough so hard it gave her nose bleeds and it was causing anal gland problems. Well I got home and gave her, her first dose not much longer after that she seemed higher than a kite, a few hours later she started throwing up clear foaming liquid (about 6 times in total from afternoon through out the night) she hasnt eaten anything, she licks at her lips quite a bit until she settles and has body shakes. Or decide that treating your dogs itchiness another way will yield the best results. Its incredible how this drug is not off the market!! In a study, dogs were treated with Apoquel for more than 2 years. The dosage will depends on your dog's weight. Please be aware and do your homework on this drug. We did zyrtec lorantidine vistari Because most of the placebo dogs dropped out, they really couldnt compare the groups. please do not give your pets this drug. Among dogs in the oclacitinib group, one dog withdrew from the study because I came on the web to find if there might be a correlation as to what I am seeing with my dog and the drug Apoquel. She said if he was human, they would say he was anorexic. Took him to the vet today and he has kidney failure. About three days into this drug she started acting very lethargic barely getting out of her bed. It really seemed to help with the hacking and coughing and all. They wont mind! I went to the FDA website and there is not one complaint that I can find from any vet or pet owner. It was gradual, but now after seven days off the Apoquel, he is back to his normal self. (every 2.5 hours). My supplement, Ultimate Canine Health Formula contains bovine colostrum in adequate levels for your dog. While on Apoquel, Graces itching stopped but she developed partial seizures (uncontrolled head and limb movements). The dose of Apoquel tablets is 0.18-0.27 mg/lb (0.4-0.6 mg/kg). Hydroxyzine for dogs is not often used in this capacity. My dog is much worse now and has a tumor under her forearm. While the exact mechanism of action is not known, it is thought that Apoquel works by inhibiting the activity of Janus kinase enzymes, which are important in signal transduction in many cells, including those involved in the allergic response. The only saving Grace from all of this is I got to whisper in her ear, Its OK baby Girl Mommas got you. While it is not approved by the US-FDA for use in pets, veterinarians generally prescribe (Rx only) it as an extra-label drug. She was given a shot of something at the vet to help with itching. I hate that we now must take him off the medicine because he has been able to live a more comfortable life, but I cant ignore the side effects and how its affecting him. I just had to euthanize my 13 1/2 year old mi-ki due to cancer throughout his bladder with some changes to his liver. After this, your vet will assess the situation and decide whether to prescribe antihistamines that are to be taken on a more regular basis. Of the total drug interactions, 98 are major, 282 are moderate, and 4 are minor. There are 384 drugs known to interact with zonisamide, along with 11 disease interactions, and 1 alcohol/food interaction. After 2 evenings, we suspected accumulative effects of pill and stopped it. The combination of the two can make a dog very sleepy. It helped quite a bit at first but we were always fighting the dermatitis and I noticed my dog started WETTING his BED at night and smelled terrible! Fourth Quarter 2014 Reported Net Income of $126 Million, or $0.25 per Diluted Share, Increased 20% and 19%, respectively There should be some mornings to the vets, but there arent. I have a St. Bernard Therapy Dog who had allergies, itching ears and feet. VERY STRESSFUL, to get this large of a dog sedated and onto a table, he panicked as he was losing his ability to stand, the fear in his eyes made me lose it. Reason for delay: Vets have killed two of my pets very painfully and believe that the prior vets medication killed this one. Then came the seizure. Ive never had major issues with veterinarian medicines for my pets. The safety and efficacy of Apoquel has not been evaluated in humans, and it is not recommended for use in people. Fourth Quarter 2014 Adjusted Net Income of $203 Million, or Adjusted Diluted EPS1 Well after about 4 mths I couldnt take it anymore. So, my point being could this Apoquel be causing her to urinate more frequently (Also, she gets my hubby up sometimes 2 -3 times a night to go pee. What can you tell me? He seemed afraid to move, as if it caused him pain. I find that hydroxyzine work best for my girl but that requires an Rx. I know that an itching dog suffers, but I will try whatever I can to give her to be comfortable, and I know between the prednisone and apoquel she is probably being killed from the inside and I cannot do that to her. She was tired and started staring off so we took her to vet. Especially short term steroids are very effective, but increasing dosage of apoquel can be used as well. In studies, dogs were treated with APOQUEL for more than 2 years. In late December this same dog went into panic attacks while we were gone that we witnessed via video cams in our house where he shook violently, breathing heavy and labored and he began to find ways to get out of the house. She had 10 seizures in 3 months. I am a Healthcare professional and I somehow missed important information. I know my Dog, . Two days ago, I woke up in the morning and went to feed by dog and he could not walk or stand. NONE OF THESE SO-CALLED VETS EVEN She is licking herself just as much as she did before and she get some kind of black spots on her body, and her skin is full of small scales of dried skin which she never had before. He also has a nodule on his spleen which will now be getting investigated. He has been on it for one month now and doing good! Thank you all, positive & negative on Aproquel. We purchased a bottle with 70 tablets for $137.20 in hopes that this would provide some relief. I have two westies on apoquel, both have problem skin. Apoquel seems to be an amazing drug. Dog parent of 8 yrs, we just moved from VA to NC in the winter season. She mentioned the dog was also on the drug being discussed here. Coma and apnea in a dog with hydroxyzine toxicosis. I'll do all I can to help. We saw great results by the 2nd day and by now his gland would have flared up and has not, we were all getting to sleep at night! (2023), How Long After Color Remover Can I Bleach My Hair? I supplement benedry to keep the itching controllable at night. The only thing different in his life has been the apoquel! I use duoxo chlorhexadine shampoo as well as the spray. P.S. Because of this you may want to give them separately the first few . I stopped the Apoquel. The answer is no. He was gone 6 days later. It dawned on me to research apoquel. So in the midst of all of this I did notice that her pet food had changed gradually and I finally took the last case back and put her on another food just in case it was a food additive issue! This again required an overnight stay at the vet center with a total cost of $2452.23 She is Am. He continues to take 1 pill each day, although we have . I have also found that by wiping his feet with a damp towel after he comes in from outside, there is far less itching and scratching. I agree. She gave him different food and Hydroxizine, along with antinausea pills. Aside from all of those things, Peatie still enjoys the simple things like a good scratch, peeing on everything he feels the need to and his favorite treat. Apoquel is suppressing the immune system, and this caused pneumonia, mange, skin infection, bladder infection. Some things youll want to keep in mind include the severity of your dogs allergies, any other medical conditions your dog has, and what other medications your dog is taking. BELLA. I called the vet but they said she must have eaten something to cause it. Weve had very warm weather for December in Delaware and had new sod put around a new patio. I called the largest vet hospital in the area where they had a neurologist and got her in thru the ER. She was starting to feel a little better we thought but then she died the day after Christmas 2016. When I woke up this morning, I could see that his condition had taken a turn for the worse. My husband took him to the Vet for his routine checkup on June 16th, he got a clean bill of health as usual. My Shepard has bad itching and was given apoquel yesterday and Im taking him off after two pills and reading these comments, Id rather have a dog thats itching than having to bury him, ill do the holistic thing for now until he gets relief. We now have her on Denamarin,medium, to give her liver support and he wants me to ween her off of Apoquel so I only gave her 1/2 a tablet today but she is now on an antihistamine, Loratadine, 10mg, 1/2 in am 1/2 in pm. He is still itchy but will go back to Benadryl and an oatmeal bath weekly. He had been off and on apoquel for the last 3 years with recently consistently for the past 3 months. The treatment can be very effective. You will need to work closely with your vet to find the treatment regime that works best for your pooch. Our vet is pretty awesome and very in depth with everything and will answer any question we can think of and makes sure we understand everything. 2 packs of apoquel tablets hospitalization for the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia (after 91 days), and one dog Its going to be hard to give up a prescription that has made such a difference for our girl, but I also know that our vet has her best interest in mind. He kept saying its a new drug. Seonaid, what dose are you giving your westie? At the onset of all this she started behaving very depressed. I am very upset after reading about this that our vet never advised to watch for side effects. My vet has referred us to a vet specialist, which I hear is very expensive. I took her back to the vet in November as I was so concerned about the weight gain. For slight allergies try otc antihistamines like Zyrtec. He stares blankly without focusing. Some medications may interact with . 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